What is the shipping cost?

Shipping costs are dependent on the following factors: size of the order, weight, package dimensions, and shipping destination (40-400zł in Poland, and 20-4000€ outside of Poland).

Where do Maxton Design splitters come from?

All products are made in one place in the world - in Wojnicz in Poland. Therefore, everyone who buys Maxton Design splitters can be sure of their quality. Thanks to the global network of dealers, our products are available in almost all corners of the world. We are proud that products from Poland reach automotive enthusiasts all over the world.

What are the available payment methods?

We accept payments via PayPal, regular bank transfers, and debit card.

Can I return the ordered products?

An individual customer with a receipt can return the ordered products. A customer ordering for a company with an invoice according to the law cannot return the ordered products.

Can the products available in the store be modified?

Unfortunately the products cannot be modified in any way. Each of the products is based on a mould prepared beforehand with the accordance to a patented design.

Do you produce components based on other brands’ designs?

No, we do not replicate designs already available on the market. All of our products are conceived in our design branch from start to finish.

Can I have the ordered products installed??

Yes. However, the ordered products can only be installed at our business premises after arranging an appointment via phone call at +48 530 750 037.

Why is the production process so long?

The Maxton Design splitters are manufactured only in a single place in the world – Wojnicz, Poland. Our products are handcrafted from the ground up, manually finished, packaged and shipped worldwide. We always strive to take care of the smallest details and to ensure the highest quality of our products. We do not store our products and take an individual approach to every order. The splitters get made only after being ordered, hence the manufacturing process takes from 35 to 72 days.

Will components dedicated to another model fit my vehicle?

Our products are based on 3D scans of respective vehicle models. This is why they are usually dedicated to a specific model. Even similar vehicle models will show discrepancies when it comes down to details, and these small differences mean that products dedicated to one model will not fit a different one. You can receive more information about our designs at projects@maxtondesign.eu.

Can the waiting time be reduced?

Our dealers come from all around the world, we constantly receive orders from numerous countries on every continent, and the production of our components takes place only in Wojnicz, Poland. All of our products are handcrafted and we put a great deal of effort into taking care of even the smallest details. Understandably, the situation caused by the pandemic is not making the job of our team any easier, and due to the character of the production, and the fact that creating aerodynamic splitters requires a specific skill set and experience we are not able to reduce production times without sacrificing quality. We are fully aware that the waiting time is long, however, we stand by the belief that first and foremost our products have to be polished, durable, and made with the utmost attention to detail, hence we have to meet very high standards and this time is required.

How to install your products?

Most of the products are delivered with a detailed mounting manual including descriptions of screws etc. If a mounting manual has not been included you can found it in the Manuals section on our website or in the form of a video on our YouTube channel.

Are there any problems with splitters on the car?

We design our splitters in such a way that they are tailored to specific car models, in specific versions and options. Therefore, by installing an appropriate splitter, which means dedicated to a given car, it will fit. It is very important to know if the car is not damaged or modified - in this case difficulties or problems may arise. It is very important to properly install the splitters in accordance with the instructions. Incorrect installation is the most common cause of splitter problems, which, in such a case, may even result in damage to the bodywork. You can find our assembly instructions, also in video format, here. If you have any additional questions related to the installation, please write to our specialist at sales@maxtondesign.eu.
